Manual Aids
For those times when you need something simple to make getting around easier manual aids are a smart solution for quick and portable assists. Manual aids can be as simples as a cane or folding walker to a fuller portable wheelchair. These are designed to be sturdy while being lightweight for ease of use. They come compact and easy to fold for transport and can be adjusted to your body’s requirements.
Manufacturers like Drive Mobility, Invacare and others have painstakingly created the best in portability from stand alone assisted walking to collapsible wheelchairs that easily fit neatly into the back or trunk of a car. And some models offer features to correct for uneven weight distribution with growable seat pans. While others have foot-operated wheel locks to keep you stationary and secure and important safety features like easy locks on both rear wheels and solid flat-free tires with adjustable leg lift extensions and foot rests to meet your specific body size adjustments.
Manual aids are for when you need simple and easy for getting around.
Walkers are the traditional manual aid for keeping balance when that extra bit of help is needed. They can be folded flat to fit effortlessly into your car and can be adjusted to suit your body’s height requirements.
Rollators are designed like a walker but with wheels and some offer a foldable seat. They offer stability while being easy to push along with the added features of easy lock hand brakes. made of lightweight aluminium that is both strong and rust resistant.
Ergonomic walking canes designed with single base or four prong support add stability to a persons balance while being light enough to hold upright without effort.
Portable wheelchairs that can be collapsed and folded to compact size for easy transport. Some models offer foot actuated locks and brakes to keep the chair under control with simple movements.
Walkers, Rollators, Portable Wheelchairs & Walking Canes.
These products are in our store and will be uploaded onto our site soon.